圣诞礼物:好听好看的Gotta Digg

圣诞礼物:好听好看的Gotta Digg
Photo by Oscar Keys / Unsplash

真是不错,圣诞大早上就从Google Reader里的众多订阅中一眼看到了这个,美国姑娘Kina Grannis自己谱曲写词儿,自己演唱的小调儿:Gotta Digg,把digg这种网友筛选推介新闻、故事的典型Web2.0行为诠释得有滋有味。音乐简洁好听,歌词够Geek,表演的三个女孩还都是美女,足够抚平我圣诞夜和GF相隔千里的伤痛了:)下面是歌词和我的翻译。

Gotta digg 去digg
When I’m feeling lazy, at school or when I work/I sneak to my computer, and then I like to shirk/I don’t go online shopping, I don’t email with my mom/I open up my browser, and go to digg-dot-com 课堂上,工作中,当我想偷懒时/我就拿出电脑去逃避/不去网上购物,也不给老妈发EMAIL/我要打开浏览器,去Digg.com
Chorus: Gotta digg, gotta digg, gotta digg/Gotta make this story big!/Did you hear that awful sound?/Another server’s down! 合唱:去digg,去digg,去digg/让故事越传越广!/听到怪声儿了么?/又挤垮了一台服务器!
I always dig up Apple, and I bury Microsoft/But when I said I was a girl, all the diggers scoffed/And when I see those stories about Senator Ron Paul/I don’t even RTFA; I just digg them all! 我总是挺苹果,踩微软/但当我说我是女孩时,却被所有人嘲笑/到处都是Ron Paul参议员的那些事儿/我才不鸟这些鬼文章,我只把它们digg出来就完鸟!
Chorus: Gotta digg, gotta digg, gotta digg/Gotta make this story big!/Did you hear that awful sound?/Another server’s down! 合唱:去digg,去digg,去digg/让故事越传越广!/听到怪声儿了么?/又挤垮了一台服务器!
The fanboys can be tiresome, they always are outspoken/And if you’re listening Kevin Rose, the comment system’s broken!/I know digg isn’t perfect, but be thankful for what we’ve got/It’s just like daddy always says: “At least it’s not Slashdot!!!” fans们有时也很无聊,他们总是直言不讳/如果你听Kevin Rose的,评论系统就玩完儿啦!/我知道digg并不完美,不过有这个就不错了/就像老爸常说的:“至少这不是Slashdot!”
Chorus: Gotta digg, gotta digg, gotta digg/Gotta make this story big!/Did you hear that awful sound?/Another server’s down! 合唱:去digg,去digg,去digg/让故事越传越广!/听到怪声儿了么?/又挤垮了一台服务器!


注:Ron Paul:年已七十的美国2008总统选举共和党候选人,Kevin Rose:digg.com的创始人,Slashdot:采用管理员驱动机制的科技新闻社区网站。