上周末循例翻阅Flipboard时看到篇文章介绍James Breakwell的漫画,这老哥用极简单的CG描绘了自己五凤一龙之家的生活,超级搞笑,还颇有开脑洞之效。包爸不忍独占,今天翻译出来,给大家的十一长假添点乐子。
文章来自boredpanda.com网站,原名“Dad Creates Hilarious Comics About His Life With 5 Girls In The House (30 Pics)”。除了文章里的30幅漫画,大家还可以直接访问James老兄的个人网站,大部分文字都是极简单的英文,小学生自己看也没什么问题。
James Breakwell(此前本站相关文章链接:1,2)是四个女娃的爸爸,可以想象他的生活十分忙乱。但他还是挤出了时间,以自己的家庭生活为原型,创造出一系列漫画。形式也许有点简陋,但内容很精彩。
此外他还通过Unfridgeworthy和Wombat Dojo网站,与众多网友互动。
更多信息请见:jamesbreakwell.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
James Breakwell(previously here and here) is a father of four girls, so it probably goes without saying that his life is pretty chaotic. Yet somehow, James finds the time to create comics about the everyday life of a modern family. Granted, he cuts some corners when it comes to form, but it’s the content that counts.
Titled Unbelievably Bad Webcomic, this series isn’t the only thing James has been working on. He has also published two books, with several more planned for release in the coming years. Only Dead on the Inside: A Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse offered useful advice for how to raise happy, healthy children in a world overrun by the undead. Bare Minimum Parenting: The Ultimate Guide to Not Quite Ruining Your Child taught regular moms and dads to become overachieving parents by doing less.
He also reaches thousands of daily readers through his other webcomics, Unfridgeworthy, and Wombat Dojo.
More info: jamesbreakwell.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter