
周末在Flipboard里读到Simon Kertonegoro发表于Hackernoon网站的文章:Welcome to the Blockchain-Based Multiverse – it Will Change Gaming Forever,文中提出用区块链技术构建游戏领域内的多重宇宙,感觉有所启发,特翻译此文,并将自己的思考附后,希冀与方家探讨。
- 资产上链
提炼一下这篇“多重宇宙”文章的核心其实就是游戏资产上链,这个概念在最近的区块链、以及游戏行业里已经被说了很多次了。区块链游戏目前还基本是概念,到底应该做成什么样子才对头,这个“对头”的标准应该由谁或怎样来确定?现在还都莫衷一是。而且最基本的技术基础也还没有搞定,好玩的游戏上不了链,上了链的游戏不好玩。整体还不行那就退而求其次,区块链做为价值互联网的重要基础设施,已经在虽然短暂、但辉煌的历史中证明了自己在资产确权、价值交换等方面的独特资质,将这部分超能力嫁接到游戏领域中最适合的资产部分里,感觉确实可以催生一批有独特价值、提升用户体验的落地应用。 - 新意所在
如上所述,文章的中心立意并不新鲜,但本文的新意所在是提出了新的资产上链主导者——角色/物品的知识产权拥有方。以往一提游戏资产上链,出发点大多是考虑如何创建一个技术或运营的平台,简化游戏开发者的开发,将游戏中的资产接入区块链体系,方便玩家去进行交易,主导者是游戏运营开发方,重点是“交易”。而在本文中,强调的是玩家用同样的角色和物品,进入不同的游戏宇宙进行尝试。这些角色和物品,需要有“身份、起源、历史和元数据”的基础,从这个意义上来说,主导者应当是知识产权拥有者,而重点在“体验”,游戏开发和运营只是配合,做接入。 - IP方盈利新模式
在由IP拥有者主导、强调用户体验的前提下,玩法自然有所不同。某些适合在游戏中使用的角色/物品的IP持有方会发现拥有了一个新的盈利渠道。我们以漫威为例:以往,漫威通过将其角色授权给游戏制作商,做为游戏内容或玩家可操作角色,以此获取一次性的权利金。现在,则增加了一种面向玩家的长尾模式:将角色全部上链,提供丰富的信息以及基本的资源(图像、声音、3D模型、动作组合……)。然后,被漫画、影视作品所吸引,沉浸于漫威世界观的FANS用户,可以通过支付一笔不大的金额,获得此角色/物品,以及支持此资产的游戏列表信息,满心欢喜地进入游戏中体验。对游戏运营方来说,意味着增加一个新的流量入口,在开发上做一些工作支持这些物品的接入,就可以带来一些新的玩家,何乐而不为?而对于一些自身资源有限的独立开发者来说,这种模式可以在投入不多的情况下,丰富自己产品的角色和物品库,也算是一种好处。 - UGC及工具市场
Welcome to the Blockchain-Based Multiverse – it Will Change Gaming Forever
By Simon Kertonegoro, hackernoon.com
Something amazing is happening. The barriers between online worlds are tumbling down. Digital assets are becoming decentralized – they are no longer being locked away inside isolated servers. They now public domain where you can access them through any game, platform, or device that chooses to support them.
In theoretical physics, a multiverse is an infinite array of universes where anything is possible, and every possibility exists. The various universes within the multiverse are often referred to as “parallel” or “alternate” universes or “other dimensions.” In the context of gaming, the multiverse is a network of games where players can use their characters and items across different worlds.
Remember Ready Player One? This book-turned-blockbuster film introduced us to the OASIS, a sprawling network of gaming worlds that players could move through seamlessly while using the same character and possessions in every world. Thanks to blockchain technology, a similar future is fast approaching – except this future is decentralized, meaning it’s not controlled by a single entity like the OASIS was, and it isn’t restricted to a single form of artistic expression.
With their identity, provenance, history, and metadata stored on the blockchain rather than locked inside centralized servers, blockchain-based gaming assets are transferable across multiple games. All other data, such as appearance and functionality, are stored and actioned by each game server.
Only the creator of a blockchain item can create more copies of it, but because the blockchain is a public ledger, there are no restrictions on who can see it, use its data, and add data to it. Any game can therefore support any blockchain item of their choosing, even if they didn’t create it. They can even add metadata to that item, which opens up the potential for players to experience continual progression as they travel through different gaming worlds.
Here’s how it works; if you own a blockchain address that contains a set of items, any developer can choose to support those items by allowing you to log your blockchain address into their game and linking in-game assets to your blockchain inventory. Each item’s artwork and gameplay is defined by the game they are being used in, this means that your inventory is likely to appear and function differently from game to game.
Enjin’s blockchain development platform enables game creators to quickly and easily integrate blockchain assets. Using this toolset, developers can choose to create new gaming multiverses or join the existing one.
By joining the existing multiverse, developers gain access to an exclusive supply of multiverse items that are already usable across many games . They have the freedom to implement these items as they wish and they can choose to offer them to their audience as in-game rewards, community-based competitions, or purchasable assets. There is also a growing community of multiverse players that are naturally motivated to try out any game that supports the items they own.
In the multiverse, gamers will have a seamless experience in which their characters can live forever as they travel across gaming worlds. No longer will players have to bid farewell to their beloved heroes or lose their items upon completion of a game. Instead, they will be able to preserve their gaming identity and assets from one world to the next. Welcome to an ongoing experience of perpetual gaming progression.
Welcome to the multiverse.